Les pronoms d'object Object Pronouns

   Object (l'objet m.)
  L'artiste peint un chef d'œuvre.
  Subject (le Sujet)
  The artist is painting a masterpiece.
Les Pronoms d'object directs Direct Object Pronouns

The direct object pronouns are placed in front of the verb.

  Il me comprend. He understands me.
  Je te comprends. I understand you.
  Tu le comprends. You understand him/it.
  Nous la comprenons. We understand her/it.
  Tu nous comprends. You understand us.
  Je vous comprends. I understand you (formal)/you (plural).
  Elles les comprennent. They (feminine) understand them.

When followed by a vowel or silent 'h', me, te, la and le experience elision.

  Elle t'aime. She loves you.
  Il m'envoie une lettre. He is sending me a letter.
  Je l'ai. I have him/her/it.

Now would be a good time to study the Type III Irregular Verbs.

Le partitif Partitive

When you refer to a piece of something - not the entire thing - use the partitive article which is de placed in front of the article and noun.

  Je veux le pain. I want the bread.
  Je veux l'argent. I want the money

Don't be so food greedy (gourmand) or money greedy (avide)!

  Je veux du pain. I want some bread.
  Tu veux m'emprunter de l'argent ? Do you want to borrow some money from me?

Now would be a good time to study the Type II Irregular Verbs.
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