Le futur Future

(see future & conditional conjugations)

J'irai à Marseille demain.
I will go to Marseilles tomorrow.

Selon le voyant, vous serez riche et célèbre.
According to the the psychic, you will be rich and famous.

Je ferai toutes les tâches ménagères demain.
I will do all the household chores tomorrow.

Dans l'avenir, les robots travailleront à notre place. Nous serons tous à la plage.
In the future, robots will work in our place. We will be at the beach.

Le conditionnel Conditional

(see future & conditional conjugations)

Je t’épouserais si tu n'étais pas un salaud.
I would marry you if you weren't a jerk.

Si je trouve du travail, j'inviterai tout le monde à manger.
If I find a job, I will invite everyone to eat.

Often the conditional is used to politely ask a question, make a suggestion, or request something.

Je voudrais un verre de vin blanc.
I would like a glass of white wine.

Pourriez-vous lui parler à ma place ?
Could you talk to him for me?

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