When the action is directed ‘toward’, or ‘at’ an object,
that object is an indirect object.
The indirect object pronouns are exactly the same as the direct object pronouns
except for the third person singular and plural forms.

Following are some other verbs that commonly take indirect objects. Many times,
verbs that take direct objects in English take indirect objects in French and
vice versa.
Lui and leur are only employed if the indirect object is
a person. If this is not the case, y should be used.
En is a pronoun that can replace any phrase that begins with de.
We saw an example above of y replacing the phrase à
la question. Y can actually replace any prepositional phrase other
than the prepositional phrases that begin with de.
Il y est. |
He is there.
(y here could be replacing dans la maison, en France,
sur la table etc.) |