
French nouns are either Monsieurs or Madams. Interestingly, native speakers associate masculine qualities with masculine nouns and feminine qualities with feminine nouns. Ideally, when learning a noun you should learn its gender as well. A French friend of mine suggested I put skirts on the feminine objects in the pictorial guide, and maybe a little mustache on the masculine objects. So far I haven't had time to wrap a skirt around la banane or put pantyhose on l'araignée, but maybe you can use your imagination.
People nouns
People nouns are generally easy. If a person is a male then the noun is masculine and a masculine article is used, if the person is female then the noun is feminine and a feminine article is used.
acrobate | acrobat | comptable | accountant | gosse | kid | |
adulte | adult | concierge | caretaker | hypocrite | hypocrite | |
aide | helper | cycliste | cyclist | journaliste | journalist | |
aristocrate | aristocrat | dentiste | dentist | juge | judge | |
artiste | artist | élève | student | nationaliste | nationalist | |
astronaute | astronout | enfant | child | pirate | pirate | |
bureaucrate | bureaucrat | fleuriste | florist | scientifique | scientist | |
camarade | comrade |
Elle embrasse un cycliste.Many people nouns have masculine and a feminine forms.
She is kissing a cyclist (male).
l'employé le fermier le cousin l'anglais le champion l'européen le vendeur l'acteur le veuf |
l'employée la fermière la cousine l'anglaise la championne l'européenne la vendeuse l'actrice la veuve |
employee farmer cousin Englishman/woman champion european salesman/woman actor/actress widower/widow |
There are people nouns, however, which are always of a particular gender no matter what the sex of the person.
la vedette le capitaine le savant le mannequin le clown le pilot |
star (actor/actress) captain wise person fashion model clown pilot |
Paul Belmondo est ma vedette préférée.
Paul Belmondo is my favorite actor/star.
Practice the gender of people nouns
Some animals have both male and female versions.
un homme un chat un chien un ours un rat un cheval un taureau un coq un renard |
une femme une chatte une chienne une ourse une rate une jument une vache une poule une renarde |
human cat dog bear rat horse bull/cow rooster/chicken fox |
Most species of animals are either masculine or feminine and both species of animals are referred to with the same gender.
le zèbre l'oiseau m. le hibou le crapaud la girafe l'huître f. |
zebra bird owl toad giraffe oyster |