Weather - Continued
Cuaca - Lanjutan
weather cuaca
forecast ramalan (cuaca)
hot panas
heat panas
cold dingin
cold dingin

How's the weather?
Bagaimana cuacanya?

What's the weather like?
Bagaimana cuacanya?

It's really nice.
Sangat bagus.

It's hot.

It's cool.

It's cold.

What's the forecast?
Bagaimana ramalan cuacanya?

There's a 20% chance of rain.
Ada peluang hujan sebesar 20%.


gelombang panas

temperature temperatur

What's the temperature?
Berapa temperaturnya?

It's 100 degrees in the shade.
100 derajat di tempat teduh.

I'm cold.
Aku kedinginan.

I'm hot.
Aku kepanasan.

I'm burning up.
Aku demam tinggi.

heat stroke sengatan panas

windy berangin
gust gust
gusty ..
breeze angin sepoi-sepoi
breezy berangin sepoi-sepoi
gale angin ribut

It's windy.

The wind is blowing hard.
Angin bertiup kencang.

There's a light breeze.
Ada angin sepoi-sepoi.


sunny cerah
overcast mendung
cloudy berawan.

It's sunny.

The sun is shining.
Matahari bersinar.

precipitation presipitasi
shower shower
to rain turun hujan
to shower turun hujan shower

It's raining really hard.
Hujan lebat.

It's pouring rain.
It's pouring.

Hujan lebat.

When it rains, it pours.
Saat hujan, air tercurah.

It's raining cats and dogs.
Hujan sangat lebat.

a lull between two storms

storm badai
hurricane hurikan
torrential rain hujan sangat lebat

That was one hell of a storm.
Itu adalah badai yang dahsyat.

It's thundering. Zeus must be angry.
Guruh. Zeus pasti marah.

fog kabut
mist halimun
humidity f. kelembapan
humid lembap
moisture embun
dew embun

hail hujan es
blizzard badai salju
to snow turun salju
to hail turun hujan es

to freeze membeku
to melt mencair
to thaw
frost embun beku
frostbite frostbite

It's snowing.
Turun salju.

It's going to freeze tonight.
Cuaca akan dingin membeku malam ini.

Thomas is shivering with cold.
Thomas menggigil kedinginan.

to slip tergelincir
slippery licin

The pedestrian slipped on the ice.
Pejalan kaki tergelincir di es.