weather |
el temps |
forecast |
la previsió meteorològica |
hot |
calent |
heat |
la calor |
cold |
el fred |
cold |
fred |
How's the weather?
Com és el clima?
What's the weather like?
Quin temps fa?
It's really nice.
És realment agradable.
It's hot.
Fa calor.
It's cool.
És genial.
It's cold.
Fa fred.
What's the forecast?
Quin és el pronòstic?
There's a 20% chance of rain.
Hi ha 20% de probabilitats de pluja
heatwave |
Onada de calor |
temperature |
temperatura |
What's the temperature?
Quina és la temperatura
It's 100 degrees in the shade.
és 100 graus a l'ombra
I'm cold.
Tinc fred
I'm hot.
Tinc calor
I'm burning up.
Estic cremant
heat stroke |
onada de calor |
windy |
ventós |
gust |
ràfega |
gusty |
.. |
breeze |
brisa, ventijol |
breezy |
ventós |
gale |
vendaval |
It's windy.
fa vent, venteja
The wind is blowing hard.
El vent bufa fort.
There's a light breeze.
Hi ha un vent lleuger.
sunny |
assolellat a la pluja |
overcast |
encapotat |
cloudy |
ennuvolat |
It's sunny.
Fa sol.
The sun is shining.
El sol lluu.
precipitation |
precipitació |
shower |
pluja, ruixat |
to rain |
ploure |
to shower |
Quan plou, diluvia Està plovent gats i gossos. un període de calma entre dues tempestes tempesta |
It's raining really hard.
Plou de gana.
It's pouring rain.
It's pouring.
Quin ruixat!
When it rains, it pours.
Quan plou, quin diluvi!
It's raining cats and dogs.
Plou a bots i barrals. Plou a semalades
a lull between two storms
un període de calma entre dues tempestes
storm |
temporal (m), tempesta (f), tempestat (f) |
hurricane |
huracà |
torrential rain |
pluges torrencials |
That was one hell of a storm.
Va ser una tempesta de mil dimonis.
It's thundering. Zeus must be angry.
Trona. Zeus deu ser aïrat.
fog |
boira rosada neu calamarsa |
mist |
boira |
humidity f. |
humitat |
humid |
humit, humida (f) |
moisture |
rellentor |
dew |
rosada, ros, rou |
snow | neu |
hail |
calamarsa, calabruix, pedra |
sleet |
aiguaneu |
blizzard |
torb |
to snow |
nevar |
to hail |
pedregar |
to freeze |
gelar, glaçar |
to melt |
fondre |
to thaw |
frost |
gelat, glaçat |
frostbite |
congelació, conglaç |
It's snowing.
It's going to freeze tonight.
Gelerà anit.
Thomas is shivering with cold.
El Tomàs tremola de fred.
to slip |
lliscar, relliscar, esvarar, llenegar |
slippery |
lliscós, relliscós, esvaradís, llenegadís |
The pedestrian slipped on the ice.
El pedestre va rellisca sobre el gel.