Messes & Chores
Berantakan & Tugas Harian
photo By Rampant Gian
mess (sesuatu yang) berantakan
messy (keadaan) berantakan
clean bersih
cleanliness kebersihan
organized teratur, terorganisir
to clean membersihkan
to organize mengatur, mengorganisir

You should organize your closet. It's a mess!
Kamu harus mengatur lemarimu. Lemarimu berantakan!

My new year's resolution is to get organized.
Resolusi tahun baruku ialah menjadi terorganisir.

Your room is not very clean. Can you clean it today?
Kamarmu tidak terlalu bersih. Bisakah kau membersihkannya hari ini?

Clean up your mess.
Bersihkan barang-barangmu yang berantakan.

You should straighten up your room.
Kamu harus merapikan kamarmu.

Let me tidy up a bit.
Biarkan aku rapikan sedikit.

Put your toys back up please.
Tolong kembalikan mainan-mainanmu.

Did you pick up your toys?
Apakah kau mengambil mainan-mainanmu?

dirt kotoran
dirty kotor
filthy kotor
grime kotoran
muck kotoran
to scrub menggosok
to wipe mengelap

He scrubbed the bathtub. It was filthy.
Dia menggosok bak mandi. Bak mandinya kotor.

The counters are sticky. We need to wipe them.
Konternya lengket. Kita perlu mengelapnya.

Wipe off the counters.
Lap konternya.

spot noda
streak coreng
mark noda
smudge noda kotor
smear noda berminyak
spotless benar-benar bersih
immaculate tanpa noda

You have a spot of mustard on your tie.
Ada noda mostar di dasi Anda.

There was a streak of mud running down his shirt.
Ada coreng lumpur di kemejanya.

Your coffee cup left a mark on the table.
Cangkir kopi Anda meninggalkan noda di meja.

chores tugas harian
household chores tugas harian rumah tangga

Did you do your chores?
Apakah kau mengerjakan tugas harianmu?

housewife ibu rumah tangga
household rumah tangga
servant pelayan

Take out the trash.
Keluarkan sampah.

Wipe the kitchen counter.
Lap konter dapur.

Clean the toilet.
Bersihkan toiletnya.

Wash the windows.
Cuci jendelanya.

Sweep the floor.
Sapu lantainya.

Vacuum your bedroom!
Bersihkan kamar tidurmu dengan pengisap debu!

Mop the floor.
Pel lantainya.

to spill menumpahkan

My mother mopped up the spilled milk.
Ibuku mengepel tumpahan susu.

photo by Bergius
cleaning products produk pembersih
cleaner pembersih
baking soda baking soda
vinegar cuka
dust debu
dusty berdebu
to dust membersihkan debu

The furniture is dusty. Can you dust it?
Furniturnya berdebu. Bisakah kau membersihkannya?

wax lilin
to polish memoles

The floor was so well polished that the lady slipped.
Lantainya dipoles dengan sangat baik hingga wanita itu tergelincir.

The silverware is tarnished. It needs to be polished.
Peralatan makan dari perak itu buram. Ia perlu dipoles.

to recycle mendaur ulang
recyclable dapat didaur ulang

Throw that away. You can't recycle it.
Buang itu. Kau tidak dapat mendaurnya ulang.

You should get rid of your old worn-out clothes.
Kau harus menyingkirkan pakaian-pakaianmu yang usang.

She gave away her old books.
Dia menyumbangkan buku-buku tuanya.

My sweater is a hand-me-down.
Sweterku ini lungsuran.