Messes & Chores
Desordres i tasques
photo By Rampant Gian
mess desordre (m)
messy confús
clean net
cleanliness neteja (f)
organized organitzat
to clean netejar
to organize organitzar

You should organize your closet. It's a mess!
Hauries d'organitzar l'armari. És un embull!

My new year's resolution is to get organized.
La meva resolució d'any nou és de ser endreçat.

Your room is not very clean. Can you clean it today?
La seva cambra no és molt neta. La pot netejar avui?

Clean up your mess.
Endrça aquest desordre

You should straighten up your room.
Vostè ha <u>d'endreçar la seva</u> cambra.

Let me tidy up a bit.
Deixa'm <u>posar-ho en ordre</u> una mica.

Put your toys back up please.
Desa les teves joguines.

Did you pick up your toys?
Que has collit les teves joguines?

dirt brutícia (f)
dirty brut
filthy immund
grime brutícia
muck fems
to scrub fregar
to wipe eixugar, fregar, torcar ; netejar

He scrubbed the bathtub. It was filthy.
Va fregar la banyera. Era bruta.

The counters are sticky. We need to wipe them.

Wipe off the counters.
Neteja els bancs

spot taca (f)
streak ratllada (f)
mark taca (f)
smudge taca (f)
smear taca (f)
spotless impecable
immaculate immaculat, -ada

You have a spot of mustard on your tie.
Tens una taca de mostassa a la corbata.

There was a streak of mud running down his shirt.
Tenia una rodera de fang per tota la camisa.

Your coffee cup left a mark on the table.
El teu cafè ha deixat un rotllo/cèrcol a la taula.

chores tasques (f pl)
household chores tasques de la llar (f)

Did you do your chores?
Has fet les tasques?

housewife mestressa de casa (f)
household llar (f)
servant serventa, criada, minyona (f)

Take out the trash.
Treure les escombraries.

Wipe the kitchen counter.
Neteja el taulell de la cuina.

Clean the toilet.
Neteja el vàter.

Wash the windows.
Renta les finestres.

Sweep the floor.
Escombra el terra.

Vacuum your bedroom!
Passa l'aspiradora al teu dormitori!

Mop the floor.
Frega el terra.

to spill vessar

My mother mopped up the spilled milk.
Ma mare va fregar la llet vessada.

photo by Bergius
cleaning products productes de neteja (f)
cleaner netejador
baking soda bicarbonat de sodi
vinegar vinagre
dust pols (f)
dusty polsegós
to dust espolsar

The furniture is dusty. Can you dust it?
Els mobles són bruts. Que els pot netejar?

wax cera (f)
to polish polir

The floor was so well polished that the lady slipped.
El sòl era tan ben polit que la senyora va relliscar.

The silverware is tarnished. It needs to be polished.
L'argent s'entela. El cal polir.

to recycle reciclar
recyclable reciclable

Throw that away. You can't recycle it.
Llença-ho. No es pot reciclar.

You should get rid of your old worn-out clothes.
T'hauries de desfer dels teus vestits vells esparracats.

She gave away her old books.
Va donar els seus llibres vells.

My sweater is a hand-me-down.
El meu jersei és heretat.