a half dozen
una mitja dotzena
I'll give you half.
Te'n donaré la meitat.
even number |
nombre parell/par |
odd number |
nombre imparell/impar |
whole number |
nombre enter |
My nephew knows how to count to ten.
El meu nebot sap comptar fins a deu.
What's the sum?
What's the total?
Quina és la suma?
value |
valor |
average |
mitjana |
10 - 4 = 6
Subtracting 4 from 10 gives you 6.
Restant 4 fa 6.
5 + 7 = 12
Adding 5 to 7 gives you 12.
Sumant 5 i 7 fa 12.
3 × 6 = 18
Multiplying 3 by 6 is 18.
Multiplicant 3 per 6 és 18.
32 ÷ 8 = 4
Dividing 32 by 8 gives you 4.
La divisió de 32 per 8 fa 4.