hunger |
fam (f) |
hungry |
famolenc |
starving |
mort de fam |
appetite |
gana (f) |
famine |
fam (f) |
diet |
règim (m) |
fast |
dejuni (m) |
to starve |
morir-se de fam |
They are hungry.
Ells tenen fam.
We're starving.
Ens morim de gana.
He has an insatiable appetite.
Té un apetit insaciable.
I'm full.
Estic tip.
She's on a diet.
Està fent règim.
They're going to fast until sundown.
Faran dejú fins que se'n vagi el sol.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
Tinc tanta fam! Podria menjar-me un bou.
Talking about food is making my mouth water.
Tant de parlar de menjar em fa venir salivera.
to bite |
mossegar |
to chew |
mastegar |
to nibble |
picar, espessigar |
to swallow |
tragar |
She didn't have much of an appetite and just nibbled on her carrots.
No tenia massa gana i sols va pessigar una mica les carlotes.
to devour |
devorar |
to stuff oneself |
atipar-se |
to gobble up |
endrapar |
to wolf down |
cruspir |
We wolfed down our meal.
Ens hem cruspit el nostre menjar.
The cookies were gobbled up in less then 5 minutes.
Les galetes van desaparèixer en menys de cinc minuts.
Do you mind if I finish off the oatmeal?
T'importa que m'acabi les mandonguilles de civada?
thirst |
set (f) |
thirsty |
que té set |
sip |
xarrup |
gulp |
engolida |
to sip |
xarrupar |
to gulp |
engolir |
I'm thirsty
Tinc set.
He finished his drink in a single gulp.
S'ha acabat la beguda d'un sol glop.
The water quenched my thirst.
L'aigua m'ha calmat la set.
We sipped the hot chocolate by the fire.
Ens vam beure la xocolata calenta a la vora del foc.