Electronics - Continued
Elektronik - Lanjutan
to turn on menyalakan
to turn off mematikan
to shut off
Could you turn off the radio please?
Bisa tolong kau matikan radionya?
Press the button.
Tekan tombolnya.
Release the button.
Lepaskan tombolnya.
Turn the dial.
Putar tombol penyetelnya.
Play a song.
Putar sebuah lagu.
Stop the song.
Hentikan lagunya.
Pause the song.
Hentikan sebentar lagunya.
Record the show.
Rekam acaranya.
Erase the recording.
Hapus rekamannya.
Skip to the next song.
Loncat ke lagu berikutnya.
Change the channel.
Ganti salurannya.
My favorite show comes on tonight. Will you watch it with me?
Acara favoritku main malam ini. Maukah kau menontonnya bersamaku?
Could you play some music?
Bisakah kau putarkan musik?
volume volume
Turn up the music!
Keraskan musiknya!
Could you turn down the music?
Bisakah kau kecilkan musiknya?
Raise the volume.
Besarkan volumenya.
Lower the volume.
Kecilkan volumenya.

to plug in
menyambungkan steker
to unplug mencabut steker

Where can I plug in my laptop?
Di mana aku bisa menyambungkan steker laptopku?

electricity listrik
electric current arus listrik
watt watt
wattage jumlah watt
volt volt
voltage voltase

She is charging the battery,
Dia sedang mengisi baterai.

The battery ran out.
The battery is dead.

Baterainya habis.

My cell phone isn't charged.
Ponselku tidak terisi.

electrocution elektrokusi
to shock menyetrum
to electrocute

If you touch that wire you'll get a nasty shock.
Jika kau menyentuh kabel itu, kau akan tersetrum.

short circuit hubungan pendek, korsleting
short pendek

to blow a fuse
tiba-tiba sangat marah


Frank blew a fuse last night and smashed your sculpture.
Frank tiba-tiba sangat marah tadi malam dan menghancurkan patungmu.

The circuit breaker was tripped. Can you reset it?
Pemutus sirkuitnya menutup. Bisakah kau meresetnya?

under warranty dalam garansi
repairman tukang reparasi

The TV is broken. It won't turn on. How am I going to pass my time now?
TV-nya rusak, tidak mau menyala. Bagaimana aku akan melewatkan waktuku sekarang?

You broke it!
Kau merusakkannya!

The television is working again. How did you fix it?
Televisinya menyala kembali. Bagaimana kau memperbaikinya?

The blow dryer isn't working. I think it's a short.
Pengering rambutnya mati. Aku pikir karena korsleting.

Wear and tear isn't covered by the warranty.
Keausan tidak tercakup dalam garansi.