

The subjunctive is also used to describe the characteristics and actions of hypothetical people and objects. This is consistent with the subjunctive's use with the non-concrete.

Il cherche un appartement qui soit en centre ville.
He is looking for a appartement that is downtown.

Je cherche une petite amie qui soit intéressée par les cultures étrangères.
I am looking for a girlfriend who is interested in foreign cultures.

L'empereur cherche des hommes qui soient prêts à se sacrifier pour la France.
The emperor is looking for men willing to sacrifice themselves for France.

Thierry recherche une maison qui ne soit pas trop chère.
Thierry is looking for a house that isn't too expensive

Actually using the subjunctive in regard to hypothetical people and things is to a large degree optional. Using the indicative communicates confidence that such an object exists. Of course, if your are referring to a concrete object then the indicative must be used.

L'appartement que j'ai trouvé donne sur la Seine.
The appartement that I found overlooks the Seine.

Thierry vit maintenant dans une maison qui est au milieu de nulle part.
Thierry now lives in a house in the middle of nowhere.

In the following sentences, the subjunctive accompanies entities whose qualities or nature are not entirely known.

Qui que tu sois, tu ne peux pas faire ça.
Whoever you might be, you cannot do that.

Quoique tu dises, je ne t'écouterai pas.
Whatever you say, I will not listen to you.

Où que tu sois, je te trouverai.
Wherever you are, I will find you.

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