Le Participe Présent | Present Participle |
The French present participle is formed by replacing the -ons ending of the first person plural present with the ending -ant.
parlons |
parlant | |
finissons |
![]() |
finissant |
vendons |
vendant |
C'est une jolie bague valant plus de mille dollars.
It's a pretty ring worth more than a thousand dollars.Un secrétaire parlant plusieurs langues vaut son poids en or.
A secretary speaking several languages is worth her weight in gold.Connaissant le problème, il a hésité.
Knowing the problem, he hesitated.
The present particple is sometimes used as an an adjective...
Ils ont l'eau courante dans leur maison.
They have running water in their house.Nous allons à une fête dansante samedi prochain.
We're going to a dancing party next Saturday.
When the present participle follows en, it is a gerund, equivalent to English -ing verbal nouns following while, by, or on.
Il faisait une grimace en mangeant ses escargots.
He made a face while eating his snails.En attendant, elle est très malheureuse.
While waiting, she is very unhappy.Elle est arrivée en sifflant légèrement.
She arrived whistling lightly.