*When masculine nouns begin with a vowel or silent 'h', cet is
The above demonstratives are used with nouns and are technically adjectives.
Ce is equivalent to this/that however it is used only with the verb
être. It is shortened to c' when être is
in a form that begins with an e.
The following demonstratives are used to point out objects.
Normally either -ci, indicating that the object is near, or -la,
indicating distance, is attached to these pronouns.
Finally there is cela, and it's informal equivlent, ça.
Both can be use to refer to objects as well as the indefinite- things like ideas
and events. It is used most often to make general statements about something
or when an object is unkown.
Now would be a good time to study the Out
of this World Verbs.
The infinitive (l'infinitive) is displayed at the top
of each verb's conjugation table. Besides serving to identify a verb,
it is employed whenever the tense or the person of the subject need not
be indicated. This is the case when verbs are strung together. The first
verb marks the tense and person. The infinitive is used for the second.
or when a verb follows a preposition.