
To order someone around, in most cases use the present tense tu, vous, or nous forms, except for -er ending verbs in which case you drop the final s in the tu form.

tu parles arrow_forward Parle ! Speak! (informal)
vous parlez arrow_forward Parlez ! Speak! (plural/formal)
nous parlons arrow_forward Parlons ! Let's speak
tu finis arrow_forward Finis ! Finish! (informal)
vous finissez arrow_forward Finissez ! Finish! (plural/formal)
nous finissons arrow_forward Finissons ! Let's finish!
tu vends arrow_forward Vends ! Sell ! (informal)
vous vendez arrow_forward Vendez ! Sell ! (plural/formal)
nous vendons arrow_forward Vendons ! Let's sell !

Chantez-moi une chanson.
Sing me a song!

Range ta chambre !
Tidy up your room!

Ouvrons la fenêtre. Ça pue.
Let's open the window. It stinks!

The Exceptions

Drop the final s for the tu form of aller.

tu vas arrow_forward Va ! Go ! (informal)
vous allez arrow_forward Allez ! Go ! (plural/formal)
nous allons arrow_forward Allons ! Let's go !

Va faire les courses !
Go run the errands!

The commands for être, avoir, savoir, and vouloir are formed from the subjunctive.

Sois Be (informal)
Soyez Be (plural/formal)
Soyons Let's be
Aie Have (informal)
Ayez Have (plural/formal)
Ayons Let's have
Sache Know (informal)
Sachez Know (plural/formal)
Sachons Let's know
Soyez le changement que tu veux voir dans le monde.
Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Sois vous-même.
Be yourself.

Ayez du courage!
Have courage!

"Sachez que vivre ce n'est pas seulement respirer; c'est agir, c'est se mouvoir, c'est se défier. -Michel de Montaigne, "Essais":
Know that to live is not simply to breathe; it is to act, to move, to challenge ons self

The vouloir forms are used to politely ask someone to do something.

Veuille May (singular informal command)
Veuillez Please (formal command)

Veuillez vous asseoir.
Please sit down.

Veuillez ne pas nourrir les pigeons.
Please do not feed the pigeons

When the verb is reflexive, use a disjuctive pronoun rather than a regular reflexive pronoun.

Wake up.

Get up.

Shut up.

When a pronoun like y or en follows one of the verbs that drops the final s, don't drop the s.

Go on.

Speak about it.

Lets go.

Tell someone not to do something by negating the verb in the customary way.

Ne sois pas en retard !
Don't be late.(formal)

Sois pas en retard !
Don't be late. (informal)