Indirect & Direct Objects
With the following verbs, the English object is indirect, preceded by 'for' or 'to', but the French object is direct.attendre un détective | to wait for a detective |
chercher les clés | to look for the keys |
demander du café | to ask for coffee |
écouter le battement | to listen to the beat |
espérer la paix | to hope for peace |
habiter une maison | to live in a house |
payer les billets | to pay for the tickets |
regarder une baleine | to look at a whale |
Here we have the opposite - the objects of the French verbs are indirect but the objects of the English verbs which are their counterpart are direct.
désobéir à linstitutrice | to disobey the teacher |
échouer à un essai | to fail the test |
jouer aux billes | to play marbles |
nuire aux océans | to harm the ocean |
plaîre aux écologistes | to please the environmentalists |
renoncer à l'égoïsme | to give up selfishness |
résister au diable | to resist the devil |
ressembler à Pierre | to look like Pierre |
succéder à la reine | to succeed the queen |
survivre à la guerre | to survive the war |
téléphoner au président | to telephone the president |
Commonality at last. All of the following French and English objects are preceded by prepositions.
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