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Other Tenses
Present Perfect Continuous
  My father has been working a lot.
  We've been hiking in the mountains.
  I have been sleepy lately.
  She has been angry with me for as long as I can remember.
Past Perfect
  Richard had already left. I didn't see him.
  They had eaten all the cookies. They didn't even leave a crumb.
  I had studied French, but I still couldn't understand him.
Future Perfect
  By the time you get there, she will have already left.
  Susan said that he would arrive soon.
  He thought that she would marry him.
  I hoped that you would at least try it.
  She would like to meet you.
  I wish you would visit more often.

Would can be contracted with the preceding pronoun, in which case it becomes 'd.

  I'd like some more coffee please.
  I knew that he'd do that.
  She'd rather be with me than you.
  I'd have done the same thing.

Would is also used to describe the past.

  When I was a child, we would play cowboys and indian for hours.
  When we were younger, we would swim accross the lake.
Unreal Present
  If he was smart, he'd leave town right away.
  If he became President, it would result in the destruction of the planet.
  If I was rich, I'd buy a ranch in Texas and raise cattle.
  If your father found out, he'd be really angry.
  If I had known, I would have helped.
  If we had listened to our parents, we wouldn't be in this situation.
  If I had known there were snakes in the water, I wouldn't have gotten in.
  If I had know about that, I never would have married him.
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