She is petting the cat. Ella està acariciant el gat. |
The puppy is licking my hand. El cadell s'està llepant la mà. |
Walk the dog. Passejar el gos. |
Keep the dog on a leash. Mantingui el gos lligat amb una corretja. |
The dog wagged its tail. El gos va moure la cua. |
She pricked up her ears. Ella va parar l'orella. |
Did you feed the dog? Vas donar menjar al gos? |
The dog was gnawing on the bone. El gos estava rosegant l'os. |
The kitten lapped up the milk. El gatet llepava la llet. |
The cat scratched me. El gat em va esgarrapar. |
The dog sniffed my leg. El gos em va ensumar la cama. |
The lady grooms her cat. La senyora cura el seu gat. |
Fetch the ball! Agafa la pilota! |
When his guard was down, the chihuahua turned on his master biting him in the foot.
Quan va abaixar la guàrdia, el txiuaua se'n va ensenyorir mossegant-li el peu.
spot | la taca |
to yelp | cridar |
The dog went to the bathroom on the carpet.
El gos va anar al bany damunt la catifa.
The dog relieved himself on the fire hydrant.
El gos s'alleuja a la boca d'incendis.
litter | escombraries |
stud | semental |
teat | els mugrons |
Puppies nurse about every two hours during their first week.
Els cadells mamen cada dues hores durant la seva primera setmana.
spayed | esterilitzada |
neutered | castrat |