doctor's office |
ruang praktek dokter |
waiting room |
ruang tunggu |
patient |
pasien |
hypochondriac |
hipokondria |
doctor's appointment |
janji temu dengan dokter |
It's time to come in for a check up.
Waktunya check up.
You need to get a physical.
Anda perlu pemeriksaan fisik.
I'd like to schedule an appointment.
Saya ingin menjadwalkan janji temu.
When would you like to come in?
Kapan Anda ingin datang?
The doctor is all booked this month.
Jadwal dokter sudah penuh bulan ini.
Does he have any openings next month?
Apakah dia ada jadwal kosong bulan depan?
I need to cancel my appointment.
Saya harus membatalkan janji temu saya.
The doctor took her vital signs.
Dokter melakukan pemeriksaan tanda vital padanya.
We need to run some tests.
Kami perlu melakukan beberapa tes.
We need to draw some blood.
Kami perlu mengambil darah.
We need a stool sample. Could you put it in here?
Kami membutuhkan sampel tinja. Bisakah Anda menempatkannya di sini?
We're going to give you a shot now. Look the other way.
Kami akan menginjeksi Anda sekarang. Silakan palingkan muka Anda.
The doctor gave me a clean bill of health.
Dokter memberi saya Surat Keterangan Sehat.
diagnosis |
diagnosis |
prognosis |
The prognosis isn't that bad. You still have several years to live.
Prognosisnya tidak seburuk itu. Anda masih memiliki beberapa tahun untuk hidup.
prescription |
resep dokter |
over the counter |
obat bebas |
I need to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy.
Saya perlu mengambil resep di apotek.
bed rest |
bed rest |
bedridden |
bedridden |
The doctor prescribed bed rest.
Dokter meresepkan bed rest.
Paralyzed and bedridden after the accident, his body wasted away.
Lumpuh dan bedridden sesudah kecelakaan, tubuhnya menjadi semakin kurus dan lemah.
to recover |
pulih |
to pull through |
s'en sortir |
He suffers from digestive problems.
Dia menderita masalah pencernaan.
Mary is finally off life support. I think she's going to pull through.
Mary akhirnya lepas dari alat bantu hidup. Saya pikir dia akan bertahan hidup.
He has a chronic condition- high blood pressure.
Dia menderita kondisi kronis - tekanan darah tinggi.
hospital |
rumah sakit |
maternity ward |
bangsal bersalin |
intensive care |
perawatan intensif |
surgery |
operasi |
anesthesia |
anestesi |
organ transplant |
transplantasi organ |
on duty |
sedang bertugas |
to operate |
mengoperasi |
to amputate |
mengamputasi |
I'm sorry but we're going to have to amputate your toes.
Maaf, tapi kami harus mengamputasi jari kaki Anda.
If you don't survive the surgery, would you like to donate your organs?
Jika Anda tidak bertahan hidup sesudah operasi, maukah Anda mendonorkan organ Anda?
She was seriously injured and admitted to the hospital. She's in critical condition.
Dia terluka parah dan dibawa ke rumah sakit. Dia dalam kondisi kritis.
Visiting hours are over.
Jam berkunjung sudah habis.
heart attack |
serangan jantung |
stroke |
stroke |
clogged arteries |
penyumbatan arteri |
We're going to take an x-ray of your chest.
Kami akan merontgen dada Anda.
first aid |
pertolongan pertama |
mouth to mouth |
pernapasan buatan mulut ke mulut |
When Laura fainted I gave her mouth to mouth. It was the first time our lips touched.
Ketika Laura pingsan, saya memberinya pernapasan buatan mulut ke mulut. Itu adalah pertama kalinya bibir kami bersentuhan.
He's not breathing. Call 911!
Dia tidak bernapas. Hubungi 911!
She passed out.
Dia pingsan.
She finally came to.
Dia akhirnya siuman.