La salut
health salut (f)
healthy saludable, en bon estat
unhealthy insalubre, malaltís, insà
sick malalt
disease malaltia (f)

I'm sick. I'm going to take the day off.
Estic malalt. Em prendré el dia lliure.

Are you doing better?
Has millorat?

Smoking is very unhealthy.
Fumar és molt perjudicial.

The disease must be allowed to run its course.
S'ha de permetre a la malaltia de seguir el seu curs.

medication medicació (f)
cure remei (m)
home remedy remei (m) casolà
antidote antídot (m)
toxin toxina (f)
to cure guarir

It's not a cure. It just relieves the symptoms.
No és un remei vertader. Tan sols amaga els símptomes.

The medication helps keep her illness in check.
El medicament ajuda a mantenir la seva malaltia sota control.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. --Benjamin Franklin
Més val prevenir que guarir.

I'm sorry. The lethal toxin you were exposed to has no antidote.
Em sap greu. La toxina a què s'ha exposat no té antídot.

dolor (m)
pain-killer analgèsic (m)
painless indolent (m)
ache dolor (m)
to hurt fer mal
to ache fer mal
wince ganyota de dolor

Where does it hurt?
On et fa mal?

My head hurts.
Em fa mal el cap

You're hurting me! Stop.
Em fas mal! Prou!

Fred hurt his leg in a motorcycle accident.
Fred es ferí la cama en un accident de moto.

My whole body aches.
Em fa mal tot el cos.

He winced in pain.
Ha fet una ganyota de dolor

Just grin and bear it.
Serra les dents i suporta-ho.