-What breed of horse is that?
Quina raça de cavall és això?
pura sang
Milk the cow.
La llet de vaca..
Churn the butter.
Batre la mantega.
Do you know how to ride a horse?
Sap vostè muntar a cavall?
The lady mounted the horse. The horse bucked.
La senyora va muntar el cavall. El cavall es va resistir.
The bull snorted and charged at us.
El toro va esbufegar i ens va carregar.
Shear the sheep.
Tondre/Tosquirar l'ovella
He is the black sheep of the family.
Ell és l'ovella negra de la família..
The hen pecked at seeds.
La gallina picotejava les llavors.