Body Size and Shape
Ukuran & Bentuk
Height Tinggi
tall & short man
tall tinggi
short pendek

He's 5' 10''.
Tingginya 5' 10

She's 6 feet tall.
Tingginya 6 kaki.

Weight Berat (Badan)
heavy berat
light ringan

She weighs only 130 pounds.
Beratnya hanya 130 pon.

Build, Physique Perawakan, Fisik
thin kurus
slim langsing
slender langsing
skinny sangat kurus
emaciated kurus kering
stocky kekar
muscular berotot
big-boned bertulang besar

She lost a lot of weight while on her diet, but then she gained it back.
Bobotnya turun banyak sewaktu dia diet, tapi lalu naik kembali.


You're as skinny as a rail!
Kamu sekurus lidi!

fat gemuk
obese kegemukan
obesity obesitas
chubby montok
plump montok

She gained five pounds over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Dia naik lima pon selama liburan Thanksgiving.

to fatten * menggemukkan *

*used in a joking, jocular manner

You're too skinny. We need to fatten you up.
Kamu terlalu kurus. Kita perlu menggemukkanmu.

Looks Rupa
handsome tampan
beautiful cantik
beauty kecantikan
cute imut
attractive menarik
good-looking rupawan
gorgeous menawan
pretty cantik
ugly jelek
homely kurang menarik
unattractive tidak menarik

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Kecantikan ada di mata yang memandangnya.

Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies, for example. - John Ruskin
Ingatlah bahwa hal-hal yang paling indah di dunia adalah yang paling tidak berguna; burung merak dan bunga lili, misalnya. - John Ruskin