Bathroom - Continued
Kamar Mandi I - Lanjutan
suds busa
bubble bath mandi busa
shower stall bilik mandi
water heater pemanas air

Turn on the faucet!
Nyalakan kerannya!

Turn off the faucet!
Matikan kerannya!

You should wash your hair once a week to save on shampoo.
Kamu seharusnya mencuci rambut seminggu sekali untuk menghemat sampo.

He's taking a shower.
Dia sedang mandi..

She's taking a bath.
Dia sedang mandi.

restroom toilet umum
urinal urinoar

Don't forget to flush the toilet.
Jangan lupa menyiram toiletnya.

Can I use your bathroom?
Bisa saya permisi ke kamar mandi?

Where is the restroom?
Di mana toilet umum?

He went to the bathroom behind those trees.
Dia buang air di balik pepohonan itu.

Do you need to do a number 1 or a number 2?
Kamu mau pipis atau mau poop?

to pee informal kencing