
Odd Plurals

A few adjectives have irregular masculine plurals. 

For adjectives ending in -x , the masculine singular and plural forms are identical. 

un enfant heureux des enfants heureux
a happy child some happy children
  un petit ami jaloux des petits amis jaloux
  a jealous boyfriend some jealous boyfriends

     The feminine plural still aquires the s.

C'est une femme courageuse. Ce sont des femmes courageuses.
  She is a courageous woman.  They are courageous women.

The same is true for -s ending adjectives. 

J'aime votre costume gris. J'aime vos costumes gris.
  I love your grey suit. I love your grey suits.

Regardez les voitures grises. (voiture is feminine)
Look at the gray cars.

A few adjectives add -x to form plurals.

Masculine Singular Masculine
hebreu hebreux hebrew
beau beaux beautiful
nouveau nouveaux new

Most adjectives that end in -al replace the -al with -aux to form the masculine plural.

Masculine Singular Masculine
légal légaux legal
loyal loyaux loyal
médieval médievaux medieval
normal normaux normal
royal royaux royal

Exceptions: banal banals commonplace, fatal fatals inevitable, natal natals native, naval navals shipbuilding

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